About Me

My name is Branson Bradshaw. I was born and raised in southern utah and was always surrounded by people who make things. My grandpa is a stone mason, framer, carpenter and all around craftsman. My dad is also a stone mason, framer, as well as a concrete finisher. My mom has always been crafty. So, growing up in that, I always had a desire to make things that are functional, as well as beautiful. When I started looking into what I wanted to do for a living, there were a lot of options for me.

I enjoy working with my hands in every aspect, creating things that people are proud to own. I’ve always had an interest in the western way of life. I enjoy hunting, fishing, camping, horses and enjoying nature in any form. What got me into leatherwork was knowing leather is natural and comes from nature. To this day, it is still a relevant medium to make a variety of products, because of its durability, and sustainability. I have a friend who helped me make a knife sheath and phone case and from there I really began to obsess over it. Almost three years later I have a small business that I am passionate about and enjoy.